@ your Service
Comprehensive vibration survey
- Floor vibration measurement and analysis using micro seismic accelerometer: amplitude and frequency contents, narrow band power spectrum, 1/3 octave power spectrum, pass/fail analysis based on instrument specification.
- Vibration analysis based on instrument specification in velocity (micro meter per second) or displacement (micro meter). In addition, pass/fail analysis based on generic VC-Curves or any other standardized specification is possible.
- Long term (multi-hours) logging of signal under analysis (signal can be vibration, sound or electromagnetic field) with complete post-processing analysis (narrow band, 1/3 Octave, waterfall, capture events of crossing set values criterion, statistic analysis,…)

Electromagnetic field survey
- EMI mapping (3D) to localize the EMI induced sources (instruments, cable lines, ground loops)
- Frequency response function (like transmissibility) to evaluate the achieved attenuation factor by for example Active vibration isolation, or EMI canceling system. This test requires two or more sensors and multi-channels to capture and analyze signals simultaneously.
Mitigation of excessive EMI
Major sources for electromagnetic interference in a building are (single or three phase) power lines with unbalanced load, transformers, main distribution panels, risers and other electrical equipments like industrial furnaces, UPS. For some type Microscope applications, the very slow changes of magnetic field may deteriorate the performance. Sources like elevators, MRI, NMR or nearby subways, traffic might generate quasi static EMF. The most effective way to mitigate the EMI is to remove the source or improve building wiring (like identify and correct Net current in electrical circuits).

Active canceling of EM Field for a certain area can be reconsidered, when source removing or wiring improvement seems not to be a feasible option

Mitigation of excessive vibration
Instruments and tools that are highly sensitive to sound, floor vibration have been widely installed in recent years. Often, due to the limited available space, these sensitive instruments have to be placed in small rooms next to each other or on higher floors rather than ground or basement level. In addition, some of these instruments are required to operate in restricted clean rooms where many sources of vibration and noise (fans, chillers, pumps, etc.) are located.
MD ECS has years of experience in solving noise and vibration problems in existing building and support in design of new facilities. Problem solving normally includes diagnostic measurements to identify the sources, mechanisms and paths involved. Based on facts a feasible, reliable and (cost) effective solution will be offered. Most effective way is to cancel or “isolate” the source, often it turns not to be a feasible option,
due to the limitation or related costs. In that case, the “isolation” of the instrument from surrounding becomes a more attainable option.

Talk to us
Have any questions? Or do you want to discuss your current situation and to explore the possibilities / work around specific to your boundaries. We are always open to talk and to share our opinion and how we can help you.